Three of the American vessels were privateers, the fourth was the little cruiser Lee in which Capt.The British ambassador at Paris had declared that the American cruiser was a detestable pirate and that for France to delete my xanga permit the pirate to anchor in her harbors, or sell his prizes in her markets, was equal to a declaration of war against England.This morning Capt.The Legislature of Massachusetts then passed a law granting commissions to privateers, and directing the seizure delete my xanga of British ships.These he took to Watertown, where the Massachusetts Legislature was then in session.Boarding nettings were triced up, and strengthened with delete my xanga cables and cordage, to make an effective barrier against the assaults of boarders.Manly.With his swift cruiser, Manly patrolled the New England coast, and was marvellously successful in capturing delete my xanga British storeships.Biddle, deserves a passing mention.Despite the desperate efforts of the Americans to escape, their pursuer rapidly overhauled them, and soon coming up within half a mile, delete my xanga opened fire with her bow chasers.He had as consort the privateer schooner Lady Washington, whose captain, seeing Mugford's dangerous predicament, volunteered to remain near at hand and assist in the defence.

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