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He left a sufficient number of men there to make a show, and secretly marched away the great body of his troops in the night to a point about three miles farther up the river, where he succeeded in crossing with them before the emperor's forces had any suspicion of his real design.He also enumerated the various grievances which they suffered under Russian rule, and endeavored to excite the animosity of his hearers as much as possible against cute high school girls Peter's government.On mature reflection, however, he seems to have concluded that it would be more prudent for him not to march at once to Moscow, and so he turned his course for a time toward the southward, in the direction of the Crimea and the Black Sea.She learned to knit, to spin, and to sew, and she assisted the minister's wife very much in these and similar cute high school girls occupations.His anxiety was greatly increased in a few days in consequence of intelligence which was brought into his camp by the scouts, that Peter himself was advancing to the relief of Pultowa at the head of a very large army.CHAPTER cute high school girls XIV.When at length the expedition drew near to the Turkish borders, the king sent forward a messenger to the pasha in command on the frontier, asking permission for himself and his men to pass through the Turkish territory on his way to his own dominions.The name of the general in command of the largest body of Russian forces near the spot was Menzikoff, cute high school girls and as soon as the King of Sweden had invested the place, Menzikoff began to advance toward it in order to relieve it.The hangman then came up, and, tying a halter round the neck of the effigy, dragged it off to a place where a gibbet had been erected, and hanged it there.So he cute high school girls received the instructions which the king gave him, said that he would carry them into execution, and then retired.A council of war was soon after called in the Russian camp for the purpose of bringing Mazeppa to trial.Although the swords of the officers were thus restored to them, they were themselves still held as prisoners until arrangements could be made for exchanging cute high school girls them.This irritated the King of Sweden, and made him more determined and reckless than ever to press the siege.After due consultation among the officers who were with the king, it was finally determined that it was useless to think for the present of any farther resistance, and the king, at last, reluctantly consented to cute high school girls be conveyed to the Turkish frontier.