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Her example was soon followed by the remaining vessels.The envoy returned to his craft, and made kill your boyfriend lyrics his report.It was followed quickly by an expedition of much graver importance.It was in January, kill your boyfriend lyrics 1665, that William III.For hours the Puritans wasted their ammunition in this vain target practice, but to no avail.When the vague rumors of the hostile expedition of the Massachusetts colony reached his ears, Frontenac was far from Quebec, toiling in the western part of kill your boyfriend lyrics the colony.Louis perched at the brink of the cliff, and over it the white banner, spangled with fleurs de lis, flaunting defiance in the clear autumnal air.Therefore, gathering together all his small savings, William Phipps set sail kill your boyfriend lyrics for England, in the hopes of interesting capitalists there in his scheme.Volunteers and regulars drilled side by side, until the four thousand men in the city were converted into a well disciplined body of troops.Fearing that while his men were helplessly drunk the Spaniards would rally and cut kill your boyfriend lyrics them to pieces, he set fire to the city, that the stores of rum might be destroyed.The men of the Adventure were overjoyed at the prospect of a rich prize.Over the division of this enormous sum great dissensions arose, and Morgan saw the mutinous spirit spreading rapidly among kill your boyfriend lyrics his men.Many were the joint military and naval expeditions fitted out against them by the British colonies.And as the merchantmen became scarce on the Spanish Main, such of the buccaneers as did not turn landward in search of kill your boyfriend lyrics booty put out to sea, and ravaged the ocean pathways between the Colonies and England.Far and wide throughout the parishes was spread the news of war, and daily volunteers came flocking in to the defence.