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In the meantime the Dutch merchants erected and garrisoned two small forts to protect themselves from such piratic excursions as that of captain Argal.Brodhead, in his valuable history of New York, gives the following account of the untoward scenes which immediately ensued, compiling from the most ancient records But Hudson, perceiving their intent, would suffer none of them chemistry lab techniques to enter the vessel.Their trading boats ran up the river, and along the coast, visiting every creek and inlet in the pursuit of furs.Erection chemistry lab techniques of Forts.This yacht was forty four and a half feet long, and eleven and a half feet wide.He chemistry lab techniques had scarcely furled his sails, when a large number of natives came paddling out from the shore in their little birch canoes.Before he got into the boat, he told me that he believed they would soon be taken on board again, as there was no one left who knew enough to bring the ship home.The natives, finding this chemistry lab techniques market thus suddenly opening before them, and finding that their furs, heretofore almost valueless, would purchase for them treasures of civilization of almost priceless worth, redoubled their zeal in hunting and trapping.The still friendly natives paddled out from the shores, in their bark canoes in great numbers, coming on board entirely unarmed and offering for sale, excellent oysters and vegetables in great abundance.The territory they claimed, chemistry lab techniques by virtue of these discoveries, extended from the mouth of the Delaware on the South, to Cape Cod on the Northeast.