How this Assistant Superintendent was really dealt with, is shown by the following from a report of an executive meeting of the Provincial Alliance, on April 18th The first business considered was the communication, from the Canadian Pacific Railway, forwarded to the executive from the general committee for action.Findlay labors under a misconception elseif c programming if he thinks the committee were not independent, and determined to maintain the rights of temperance men.Smith has violated the confidence of the Company.Though an intense prohibitionist I have never been able to appreciate the wisdom and nerve of some of our temperance people yet, never before have I noticed anything that looked so like treachery to our cause.O'Regan, I did, and such things are elseif c programming quite customary with agents and operators, as well as Assistant Superintendents and this custom prevails at the present time all along the line.According to the spirit of this letter, no man having an interest in any reform, or a desire to aid in any work for the good of his fellow men, can conscientiously hold a position in the employ of this great Company, which is so influential in our beloved country.Tait had taken precisely this same position in his letters to the Alliance Secretary, previous to the meeting with the committee, and even in the minutes elseif c programming of the meeting, as above given, it is said, The Canadian Pacific Railway distinctly repudiate as they have done from the commencement of the discussion the expressions used by Assistant Superintendent Brady.Brady, whose course has given so much offence to the temperance people, as will convince its employees and the public that its policy is not that represented by his act.Selby's statement that the inner elseif c programming door of the safe was not used from October, 1893, to June, 1894, is not true, and cannot be substantiated, as he was away from my office for weeks during that time.Smith's discharge was justifiable on the ground of neglect of duty.Tait, all this is lost sight of, and elseif c programming the whole ground of complaint is made to rest on poor Brady, the 'scapegoat's' phraseology.Thus was shown the great interest which the public felt in the result of this trial.In view of this it would seem that not much was elseif c programming gained by the meeting on this point.Smith, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Temperance Lecturer.
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