George himself was also afraid at first to stand very near the edge of the crater but it was not on account of the explosions, but for fear that the cliff might cave in.This sinking of the ground is caused apparently by the cooling and shrinking abc agony defeat sports of the melted matter below, after a time when it has been unusually heated.Rosie was a little frightened when she found herself going up so high into the air but when the ends of the poles came down gently upon the men's shoulders and rested there, she felt reassured, and she looked down upon her mother with a smile.There were several persons, abc agony defeat sports both ladies and gentlemen, standing on the margin of the crater when our party arrived.All this was done in a moment, and Philippe, after shutting the door and mounting the box with the coachman, gave the order to drive on.When abc agony defeat sports you attempt to cast any thing of lead, a cannon, for example, or anchor, or even a bullet, you will observe that as the lead cools, the portion of it which comes at the top of the mould shrinks and falls in, forming a little pit or depression, which you have to fill up by pouring in a little more lead.There were eight or ten of them, and the appearance of them as they came up, following each other in a long line, each carrying his candle in his hand, produced a very strange and picturesque effect.Indeed, it is a very good reason why I should not for it abc agony defeat sports is not at all ladylike to be monopolizing and selfish in respect to good seats and good places when there is any thing to see.I suppose so, said Mr.The rest falls on the sides, and in process of time it begins to build abc agony defeat sports up a small hill, as it were, all around the opening, though the puffs and explosions of steam that are continually coming out keep a mouth open at the top.Strictly speaking, however, it is not smoke.Things go on in this way for some time, until at length, for some mysterious reason which nobody understands, the interior of the mountain begins to moderate its heat, and finally to grow cool not abc agony defeat sports entirely cool, but cooler than it has been.This small cone, rising up gradually thus, in the bottom of the crater formed by the sinking in of the mountain before, and the chimney opening up through the centre of it, gives vent to all the steam from below, while a great many of the other orifices are stopped up by the lava which comes up out of the great opening falling into them.

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