When the new Government was fairly established, when the heat of feeling was somewhat cooled by time, when the High Church sympathies of Anne had begun to reconcile them to the new succession, and when the last of the ejected bishops had withdrawn all claim on their obedience, many moderate Nonjurors were once more seen in church.' All of them, however, without exception, contested with perfect sincerity that their doctrine on these points was not that of Rome, and gold and suspender that they entirely repudiated, as baseless and unscriptural, the superstructure which that Church has raised upon it.This was certainly the case in regard of those 'usages' which related to the sacrificial character of the Eucharist and to prayers for the dead.'I am not of your communion,' said Bishop Welton on gold and suspender his death bed, in 1726, to the English Chaplain at Lisbon, whose services he declined.Robert Nelson spoke of it as the good and wholesome doctrine of the gold and suspender Church of England, 'wherein she has gloried as her special characteristic.The sovereign represented the people, but no one then spoke of 'sovereignty residing in the whole body of the people,' So it long continued, especially in the Church.The group composed of Nelson and his friends, of whom he had many, gold and suspender and never lost one, would be pleasant to contemplate, if for no other reason, yet as the picture of a set of earnest men, united in common attachment to one central figure, varying much on some points of opinion, but each endeavouring to live worthily of the Christian faith.George I.Dissatisfied as gold and suspender to the validity of Lutheran orders, he had at first turned his thoughts to Rome, not unaware that he should find in that Church many departures from the simplicity of the early faith, but feeling that it possessed at all events that primitive constitution which he had learnt to consider essential.How far this was correct became, four years later, a disputed question.But the Nonjurors were all High Churchmen, and that in a much better sense of that word than when, in Queen Anne's time, Tory and High Church were in gold and suspender popular language convertible terms.
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