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It is only a minute or two after the first evidence of activity before the whole fleet is tensely active.She came in winner by six hours and thirty six minutes, but the officers of the Natchez claimed that this was not a fair test of the relative speed of the boats, as they had health job los angeles been delayed by fog and for repairs to machinery for about seven hours.Rather, it is my purpose to tell something of the lives of the fishermen, the style of their vessels, the portions of the rolling Atlantic which they visit in search of their prey, their dire perils, their rough pleasures, and their puny profits.As the mountaineer identifies the health job los angeles most distant peak, or the plainsman picks his way by the trail indistinguishable to the untrained eye, so the fisherman, raised from boyhood among the vessels that make up the fleet, finds in each characteristics so striking, so individual, as to identify the vessel displaying them as far as a keen eye can reach.At Natchez, 268 miles, they were six minutes apart at Cairo, 1024 miles, the Lee was three hours and thirty four minutes ahead.North of George's Bank which lies directly east of Cape Cod are found, in order, Brown's Bank, La Have, Western Bank in the center of which lies Sable Island, famed as an ocean graveyard, whose shifting sands are as thickly strewn with the bleaching ribs of stout ships health job los angeles as an old green churchyard is set with mossy marbles St.But the power of the ministry forced the bills through, though twenty one peers joined in a solemn protest.Experience has taught fishermen that the surest way to find mackerel is to cruise in one vast body, whose line of search will then health job los angeles extend over an area of many miles.of the gross value of the cargo.For months out of the year, health job los angeles the Maine fisherman would be working in the forests, felling great trees, guiding the tugging ox teams to the frozen rivers, which with spring would float the timber down to tidewater.