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This done, straightway they fled, but two of them were captured, and suffered the loss of their eyes and their genital organs.But thereby I fell among carbon dioxide acidosis Christians and monks who were far more savage than heathens and more evil of life.A false report, as that same wise man reminds us, is easily crushed, and a man's later life gives testimony as to his earlier deeds.It is difficult, nay, impossible, for words of mine to describe the amazement which bewildered them, carbon dioxide acidosis the lamentations they uttered, the uproar with which they harassed me, or the grief with which they increased my own suffering.And it was God's will that I quickly found what I sought.Hlose had already, at my bidding, taken the veil and carbon dioxide acidosis entered a convent.CHAPTER IX OF HIS BOOK ON THEOLOGY AND HIS PERSECUTION AT THE HANDS OF HIS FELLOW STUDENTS OF THE COUNCIL AGAINST HIM It so happened that at the outset I devoted myself to analyzing the basis of our faith through illustrations based on human understanding, and I wrote for my students a certain tract on the unity and trinity of God.The people of the region, too, were uncivilized carbon dioxide acidosis and lawless.I used the latter, however, as a hook, luring my students by the bait of learning to the study of the true philosophy, even as the Ecclesiastical History tells of Origen, the greatest of all Christian philosophers.Nor was it strange that they, who had done their utmost to hurt me, should grieve to see how all things worked together for my good, even though I was now, in the words of Jerome, afar from cities and the market place, from controversies and the crowded carbon dioxide acidosis ways of men.It is God's truth, he said, that the Father is omnipotent, the Son is omnipotent, the Holy Spirit is omnipotent.With this he carbon dioxide acidosis left me.I must confess that in my misery it was the overwhelming sense of my disgrace rather than any ardour for conversion to the religious life that drove me to seek the seclusion of the monastic cloister.The abbot himself was as far below his fellows in his way of living and in the carbon dioxide acidosis foulness of his reputation as he was above them in priestly rank.It chanced, however, that one day my abbot came to Provins to see the count on certain matters of business.