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This time his head fairly stove in the bows, and the ship sank so fast that the men were barely able to provision and launch the boats.Not infrequently epiphany catholic church normal such vessels would be provided with two captains and two sets of papers, to be used according to the nationality of the warship that might make the capture but the men of all navies cruising on the slave coast came in time to be expert in detecting such impostures.Many officers of our navy have left on record their abhorrence of the service they were thus engaged in, but at the same time expressed their conviction that it was doing the work of humanity.The pursuers rescued some epiphany catholic church normal of the drowning negroes, who were able to testify that they had been on the suspected ship, and condemnation followed.On either side of that mountainous mass the waters rose in shining towers of snowy foam, which fell in their turn, whirling and eddying around us as we tossed and fell like a chip in a whirlpool.The old warrior's practised eye had detected the coming epiphany catholic church normal climax of our efforts, the dying agony, or 'flurry,' of the great mammal.The people of Cape Cod were the first to begin the fishery, and earliest perfected the art of saving the whale that is, of securing all of value in the carcass.In the colonial days, however, it was a source of profit assiduously cultivated by coastwise communities, and both on epiphany catholic church normal Long Island and Cape Cod citizens were officially enjoined to watch for whales off shore.To day science has discovered substitutes for almost all of worth that the whales once supplied, and the substitutes are in the main marked improvements on the original.We see that even to day men are very tenacious epiphany catholic church normal of property rights, and the law describes them as sacred however immoral or repugnant to common sense and common humanity they may be.In order that the oil may fetch a good price, and the voyage be speedy, the captain is commended to God, and That hee may please to take the Conduct of you, we pray you look carefully that hee bee worshipped dayly in yor shippe, his Sabbaths Sanctifiede, and all sinne and prophainesse let bee Surpressed.But she is not entirely deserted, for a faint shout comes across the narrowing epiphany catholic church normal strip of sea and is answered from the Rodeur.