The Sally was accordingly chosen to bear the sailors on their audacious expedition.It was accordingly determined las vegas postcards to secure an American merchant vessel, that could enter the port, and run alongside the Sandwich, without arousing suspicion.Brushing the salt water out of his eyes, this worthy expressed great surprise that he had been fired upon by a vessel bearing the United States flag.For las vegas postcards a moment the captain was puzzled, as he had no means of knowing which was the guilty privateer but, after brief deliberation, he determined to adopt strategy.The Frenchman was astounded, as well he might be for Bainbridge's answer was a most preposterous falsehood, nearly doubling the actual armament of the two vessels.This was the American sloop Sally, a battered, weather beaten little craft, that had for some time been trading in the West Indies, and by her very insignificance had las vegas postcards escaped capture by the French.Along the docks the ships lay idly tugging at their cables, or stranded on the flats as the tide went out.I am indeed las vegas postcards sairprised.About midnight the lookouts on the Sally saw a vessel's lights near at hand but, beyond reporting to the officer of the deck, they paid no heed to their neighbor.In the end, however, the affair of the Sandwich terminated disastrously for the las vegas postcards bold adventurers for the protests of Spain were too forcible to be disregarded, and the prize money of all concerned in the exploit was confiscated to pay the damages awarded the injured party.The move was a bold one, and might well have succeeded, had it not been for the good marksmanship of a gunner on the frigate, who promptly sent a twenty four pound shot (the only one fired in the affair) straight through the hull of the privateer, between wind and water.

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