Cruel Treatment of the Indians.The British and Spaniards had obtained intelligence of Jackson's docetaxel breast cancer approach, and had made every preparation to drive him back.One evening, in the deepening twilight, when they had been out thirty four days, the Indian scouts, ever sent in advance, came into camp with the announcement, that at the distance of but a few hours' march before them, the Chattahoochee River was to be found, with a large Indian village upon its banks.Deplorable docetaxel breast cancer Condition of the Army.The forts were strongly garrisoned, and all the principal streets of the little Spanish city were barricaded.Deep and broad marshes were to be waded, where docetaxel breast cancer the horses sank almost to their saddle girths.Despondency spread its gloom over the half famished army.In the impotence of their disappointment they applied the torch, and laid the little village in docetaxel breast cancer ashes.The detachment then immediately commenced its march down the River Scambia, and joined the main body at a point called Miller's Landing.Their route led docetaxel breast cancer through pathless wilds.Several British war vessels were anchored in the bay, and so placed as to command with their guns the principal entrance to the town.Following it down, they came opposite docetaxel breast cancer the point where the wigwams stood upon the island.The wigwams were also on an island of the river, which could not be approached without boats.

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