The news threw M.The news would have astonished the Greeks in any circumstances but the circumstances in which it reached them were of a nature to heighten astonishment into butterfingers yo mama lyrics alarm.The Venizelist orator, prudently suppresses from a Greek audience the fact that his Chief frustrated the General Staff's efforts to co operate with Servia he boldly surmises, on the other hand, that behind the General Staff's stipulations as to the sphere of Greek military action lurked the arrire pense to confront the Allies with the risk of provoking Bulgaria, whom they still regarded as a potential friend so the stipulations were, as they were intended to be, unacceptable.But, however annoyed he might be on the surface, at bottom he was doubtless pleased the move supplied the best means for the conversion of his Sovereign no argument butterfingers yo mama lyrics is so persuasive as an accomplished fact.Furthermore, on Thursday there arrived at Salonica General Hamilton with his Staff and notified the Governor that the Allies were going to occupy part of the town and port, and put them in a state of defence with a view to a landing of troops.Venizelos for the first time proclaimed that the Graeco Servian Treaty imposed an absolute obligation upon Greece to make war on Bulgaria and Turkey adding in answer to a question, what he would do if on going to Servia's assistance he met the German and Austrian armies butterfingers yo mama lyrics that Germany and Austria must be fought as well, if necessary, and backing his thesis with those appeals to honour which, whether pertinent or not, seldom fail to move a popular audience.60 Moreover, the great emotion caused in the public by the recent speech of Sir Edward Grey compels the Royal Government to demand from the Entente Powers certain preliminary assurances.Zographos to Greek Minister, Paris, 114 April, with the Proposal of same butterfingers yo mama lyrics date Orations, pp.After all, who assures us that Bulgaria will attack Servia? It is possible that she may maintain an armed neutrality in which case our disagreement vanishes, and you can stay in power and carry on your policy.When they came, I informed them that a mobilization Order was being signed at that very moment and would be published that evening but for our further course I needed to know if the Powers were butterfingers yo mama lyrics disposed to make good the 150,000 combatants whom Servia was obliged by our Treaty to contribute for joint action against Bulgaria.
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