They each interpreted the Articles according to their own construction of them.199 english football players archive.The omission of the 'all and every,' and the insertion of the word 'doctrine' in the singular, constituted a substantial improvement, as distinctly recognising that general adhesion and that liberty of criticism, which had long been practically admitted, and in fact authorised, by competent legal decisions, but which scarcely seemed warranted by the wording of the subscription.1718 english football players archive.Jortin's Tracts, ii.43 english football players archive.'For the Church of England,' said Chillingworth, 'I am persuaded that the constant doctrine of it is so pure and orthodox, that whosoever believes it, and lives according to it, undoubtedly he shall be saved, and that there is no error in it which may necessitate or warrant any man to disturb the peace or renounce the communion of it.And it was a latitude which had become open to abuse english football players archive in a new and formidable way.Jortin's classification might perhaps be improved and simplified but it serves to indicate in how lax a sense subscription was accepted by some the more so, as it was sometimes, in the case, for instance, of younger undergraduates, evidently intended for a mere declaration of churchmanship and how oppressive it must have been to the minds and consciences of others.South's Sermons, english football players archive vol.It is, if possible, even a more vital question than that which was involved in the Deistical controversy.
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