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Why, Ney, said Mr.Yes, sir, guest houses fort lauderdale said Jonas, I will.I am glad that you were honest.So Josey crept down guest houses fort lauderdale into the bottom of the sleigh, and Jonas covered him up and he found his place very warm and comfortable.Ney, said he, Ney.You're a good dog, Franco, he continued, patting his head, to guest houses fort lauderdale come with me, very good dog, Franco, to choose the coarse hay for a bed under the old General's crib, rather than that good warm carpet, for the sake of coming with me.I'll drive you safely.Jonas thanked guest houses fort lauderdale Mr.He read the newspaper for some time, and then he took the lamp up, and began to look at some pictures of the prodigal son, which were hung up upon the wall over the mantel piece.The road was level, though very winding, as it guest houses fort lauderdale passed around capes and headlands, and now and then took a wide circuit to avoid a breathing hole.Haven't you any more money with you? Not of my own, said Jonas.He climbed up a tall ladder to a loft under the roof of the barn, and guest houses fort lauderdale threw down some sheaves of wheat, as many as he thought would be necessary to produce the quantity of grain which the farmer had ordered.And Jonas did, the next evening after he got home, make Franco a house, just big enough for him and he found an old piece of carpet to put upon the floor.

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