CHAPTER VI.No, replied fable dragons cliff Mr.Rollo and Jane were carried along by the current up a flight of stairs, which came out among the ranges of seats and after moving along for some distance till they came to a vacancy they sat down, and began to look around and survey the spacious and splendid interior into which they had entered.In fact, they took a particular interest and pleasure in going to church in this way, as there was something a fable dragons cliff little of the nature of adventure in it.Beyond the side avenues there extended on either hand a wood, formed of large and tall trees, planted in rows, and standing close enough together to shade the whole ground.When the boy had taken his drink and paid the money, the man wiped the glass with a towel which he kept for the purpose and fable dragons cliff then, putting it back in its place on the rack, he went on tinkling his little bell.There was nothing to lead Rollo to suspect his mistake in the aspect of the building as he approached the entrance to it for the sides of it were hidden by trees and other buildings, and the portal, though very large and very gayly decorated, seemed still, so far as Rollo could get a glimpse of it through the crowds of people, only to denote that it was the entrance to some very splendid public edifice, without at all indicating the nature of the purposes to which it was devoted.That's the place for the choir, I suppose, said Rollo, pointing to a sort of raised platform with a balustrade in front, which was built fable dragons cliff among the seats in the middle of one of the sides of the Hippodrome.This child began to read what was printed on the card.There were figures of bears, lions, tigers, ducks, deer, and other animals at a little distance, which were fable dragons cliff kept moving along all the time by machinery, for the children to shoot at with the peas.There were several people, too, in the same walk with Rollo and Jane, some going with them toward the Grand Alley, and others coming back from it.All the world, almost, fable dragons cliff came to see.Think how enormously heavy such an immense stone must be.
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