He immediately commenced the construction of another vessel.Four log houses were built, it is said, upon the present site demurrage collection services inc of 39, Broadway.A single canoe containing several men approached the ship Hudson's eagle eye perceived that one of these men was one of the captives whom he had seized, but who had escaped from his imprisonment by plunging into the river and swimming ashore.After spending a dismal winter, in the endurance of great privation, exposed to severe Arctic storms, his mutinous crew abandoned him, in demurrage collection services inc the midst of fields of ice, to perish miserably.As soon as they reached the land, they raised loud shouts of hatred and defiance.Through these he passed into demurrage collection services inc the gloomy waters beyond.Christinsen could make no resistance.All sail was set demurrage collection services inc upon the Half Moon.Indian villages were picturesquely scattered along the shores, and the birch canoes of the Indians were swiftly paddled over the mirrored waters.Soon one or two small forts were erected demurrage collection services inc and garrisoned on the river for the protection of the traders.The extended fields, inviting the plough, waved with luxuriant grass.He had scarcely furled his sails, when a large number of natives came paddling demurrage collection services inc out from the shore in their little birch canoes.These peaceful Indians had manifestly heard nothing of the disturbance of the night before.The glowing accounts which Sir Henry demurrage collection services inc Hudson had given of the river he had discovered, and particularly of the rich furs there to be obtained, induced the merchants of Amsterdam in the year 1616 to fit out a trading expedition to that region.Here a venerable old man, the chief of a small tribe, or rather patriarchal family of forty men and seventeen women, came on board in his birch canoe.
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