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I will imagine that one of these boys is called away a few minutes, and leaves his paper on his desk, and that another boy, of an ill natured and morose disposition, happening to pass by and see his paper, thinks he will sit down and write upon it a few lines, just to tease and vex the one who was called away.The account was originally prepared and printed, but not published, for the purpose of abu airfare dhabi toronto distribution among the scholars, simply because this seemed to be the easiest and surest method of making them, on their admission to the school, acquainted with its arrangements and plans.It was chiefly designed for new scholars a copy of it was presented to each on the day of her admission to the school, and it was made her first duty to read it attentively.By their fruits ye shall know them, said the Savior a direction sufficiently plain, one would abu airfare dhabi toronto think, and pointing to a test sufficiently easy to be applied.Well, what would that motive be? Money.Beginning to act from Christian principle is the beginning of a new life, and it may be an interesting subject of inquiry to you to ascertain how many of your pupils have experienced the change but, in many cases, it would abu airfare dhabi toronto merely gratify curiosity to know.Yes, love of money it is called.There are very many fallacious indications of piety, so fallacious and abu airfare dhabi toronto so plausible that there are very few, even among intelligent Christians, who are not often greatly deceived.Present it in its details and in its practical exemplifications do this with any subject whatever, and children will always be interested.When it abu airfare dhabi toronto is half down, each scholar may leave her seat and whisper, but she must do nothing which will disturb others.We must call this boy, then, E.(5 abu airfare dhabi toronto.

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