These enemies took advantage of her absence to fan the flames of that jealousy which Napoleon could not conceal.Anxiously he css vertical align text box sat at the window watching, hour after hour, for her arrival.She drew excellently, sang harmoniously, and performed admirably in comedy.But a few years before, Josephine, in poverty, friendlessness, and intensest anguish of heart, had css vertical align text box led her children by the hand through those halls to visit her imprisoned husband.Testimony of the Duchess of Abrantes.In those envenomed pages, Bourrienne says that he has written severely enough against Napoleon, to have his word believed when he makes any css vertical align text box admission in his favor.As the carriages were passing through the narrow street of St.Hortense, the css vertical align text box victim of grief and despair, was standing in the alcove of a window.Treating the humblest with the same kindness as the most exalted, she won all hearts, and made herself the friend of every one in the school.Her css vertical align text box anguish was dreadful.Without an hour's delay she entered her carriage with Hortense, taking as a protector Napoleon's younger brother Louis, who subsequently married Hortense, and set out to meet her husband.She had wit which, without the smallest ill temper, had just malice enough to be css vertical align text box amusing.This was on the ninth of November, 1799, usually called 18th Brumaire.Napoleon was thirty years of age, and was now First Consul of css vertical align text box France.For many months she had not received a line from her husband, as all communication had been intercepted by the British cruisers.

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