Hull asked the fellow his nationality.This plan provided for the construction of great numbers of small gunboats, which should be stationed along dachshund dog adoption the coast, to be called out only in case of attack by an armed enemy.The breeze then died away, so that night had fallen over the waters before the ships were within hailing distance.The frigate Constitution was scornfully termed by an English newspaper a bunch of pine boards sailing under a dachshund dog adoption bit of striped bunting.It was on the sea that our laurels were chiefly won.Both officers and seamen were proud of dachshund dog adoption the service, and burned to strike a blow for its honor.All were enthusiastic over the prospect of the coming action.The long diplomatic correspondence between the two nations had failed to lead to any amicable solution of the dachshund dog adoption difficulties that were fast urging them to war.Commodore Rodgers took the President to the nearest American port.A boat with two British lieutenants and several midshipmen on board speedily boarded the Chesapeake, dachshund dog adoption and the demand for the deserters was renewed.The thunderous broadsides rang out at regular intervals, and the aim of the gunners was deliberate and deadly.
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