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Why, uncle George! said Rollo, I can make it very comfortable on the floor, by rolling up two coats or cloaks into two long rolls, and wedging them in under me, one on one side of me and the other on the other, and then putting a carpet bag under my head for a pillow.George gave him his and Rollo's, and the conductor metric system prefixs carried them, together with those which he had obtained from the other passengers, into the office.The event showed that Mr.The diligence stopped at a post metric system prefixs house to change horses, a little before two, and immediately after it set out again.Ah, said he to himself, this is the place.So the porter of the hotel took off the metric system prefixs baggage, while Mr.George took two newspapers out of his knapsack, one for Rollo and one for himself, to spread in their laps while they were eating.We had metric system prefixs it at two o'clock this morning, on the Pontine Marshes.CHAPTER IV.George metric system prefixs.