The bitterest hostility sprung up between the two parties, and many persons, without piety and without judgment, threw off the superstitions of the papacy, only to adopt other superstitions equally revolting.At the death of his grandfather, Ferdinand, Charles, bahamas historical sites though but sixteen years of age, assumed the title of King of Spain, and though strongly opposed for a time, he grasped firmly and held securely the reins of government.In the year 1521, Leo X.But Luther, on the 26th of bahamas historical sites May, had left Worms on his return to Wittemberg.The Holy League.Maximilian, bahamas historical sites by great exertions, sent a few battalions through the mountains of the Tyrol, and was preparing to follow with stronger forces.Louis of France, at the head of seventeen thousand troops, crossed the Alps.I will not, therefore, permit Luther to enter into any further explanation, and will instantly bahamas historical sites dismiss and afterward treat him as a heretic.The pope's fever has increased, and he can not live long.In industry and perseverance, he has rarely bahamas historical sites been surpassed.
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