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His fame (except as a poet) has been somewhat overshadowed by the still greater renown of his brother, but he contributed his full share towards the success of the Evangelical Revival.'Whatever I say, it will be all data cable lg one.A fine presence, attractive features, and a magnificent voice which could make itself heard at an almost incredible distance, and which he seems to have known perfectly well how to modulate, all tended to heighten the effect of his sermons.Such a data cable lg spirit Whitefield had, if any man ever had.Nothing like it had ever been seen in England before.I cannot help thinking that data cable lg he is still jealous of me and my proceedings but I thank God I am quite easy about it.He went forth into the world filled with one burning desire the desire of doing good to his fellow men and of extending the kingdom of his Divine Master.' He wrote to Fletcher, in what one must call an unprovoked data cable lg strain of rudeness, on the danger of his conversing with the 'genteel Methodists.On a grassy knoll at Kingswood in the midst of 'Vanity Fair' at Basingstoke or Moorfields, where the very contrast of all the surroundings would add impressiveness to the preacher's words in Hyde Park at midnight, in darkness which might be felt, when men's hearts were panic stricken at the prospect of the approaching earthquake, which was to be the precursor of the end of the world on Hampton Common, surrounded by twelve thousand people, collected to see a man hung in chains the scenery would all lend effect to the great preacher's utterances.In 1779, he wrote to his brother in terms as data cable lg peremptory as John himself was wont to use, and such as few others would have dared to employ in addressing the founder of Methodism.Whitefield is (1749) by all ranks of society, still I contend that the day will come when England will be just, and own his greatness as a reformer, and his goodness as a minister of the Most High God.xxxvii data cable lg.

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