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It copied, for instance, far too faithfully, the disposition which primitive ages had early manifested, to magnify unduly the spiritual power and prerogatives of the priesthood.But we must pass over the earlier Deists, of whom the most notable was Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and come at once to a writer who, although his most notorious work was published before the seventeenth century closed, lived and wrote during the eighteenth, and may fairly be regarded as belonging to that harbin ice sculpture festival era.There were few more earnest in it than many of the London clergy who had worked heart and soul with Tillotson.The misfortune was, that it left them unable to understand the merits of any form of faith which rejected, or treated as a harbin ice sculpture festival thing indifferent, what they regarded as all but essential.Hobbes, again, occupies a prominent place among the Deists of the seventeenth century, although the whole nature of his argument in 'The Leviathan' is alien to the central thought of Deism.As harbin ice sculpture festival a member, on the other hand, of the National Church, his goodness and erudition were widely respected, but his theoretical extravagances were only the crotchets of a retired student, who advanced in their most extreme form the opinions of a party.' But from another point of view we shall come to a very different conclusion.The breach, however, was not yet irreparable and if harbin ice sculpture festival it could be healed, and the cordial feeling could be restored which, under the influence of common Protestant sympathies, had begun to draw the two sections of the Church together, the National Church might seem likely to root itself more deeply in the attachment of the people than at any previous time since the Reformation.Before many years had passed there was a perceptible loss of tone and power in the Low Church party, when King William's bishops had gradually died off.He did not fail to appreciate and love true Christian piety when brought into near contact with it, even in those whose principles, in what he harbin ice sculpture festival considered essential matters, differed greatly from his own.Their piety was of a type more frequent perhaps in the Church of England than in some other communions, very serious and devout, but wholly free from all gloom and moroseness tinged in some instances, as in Dodwell, Ken, and Hooper, with asceticism, but serene and bright, and guarded against extravagance and fanaticism by culture, social converse, and sound reading.The Scriptures had for many years been used to sanction the harbin ice sculpture festival most diametrically opposite views.An interval of religious tranquillity amounting almost to stagnation may have been not altogether unfavourable to a crisis when the fundamental axioms of Christianity were being reviewed and tested.

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