geometric dimensioning and tolerancing symbols

For a new water route to the sea had been opened and wondrously developed.A development of the Chebacco boat was the pink, differing only in big fat hen its rig, which was of the schooner model.This was in 1775, and the revolution in America had already begun.The Great Lakes were the big fat hen shortest waterway to the Atlantic, and New York dug its Erie Canal which afforded an outlet pinched and straitened, it is true, but still an outlet for the cargoes of the lake schooners and the early steamers of the unsalted seas.The summer yachtsman whiling away an idle month in cruises up and down that New England coast which, once stern and rock bound, has come to be the smiling home of midsummer pleasures, encounters at each little port into which he may run, moldering and decrepit wharves, crowned with weatherbeaten and leaky structures, waterside streets lined with shingled fish houses in an advanced stage of decay, and acres of those low platforms known as flakes, on which at an earlier day the product of the New England fisheries was spread out to dry in the sun, but which now are rapidly disintegrating and mingling again with the soil from which the wood of their structures sprung.The glory of the river faded fast, and the final stroke was dealt big fat hen it when some man of inventive mind discovered that a little, puffing tug, costing one tenth as much as a fine steamboat, could push broad acres of flatboats, loaded with coal, lumber, or cotton, down the tortuous stream, and return alone at one tenth the expense of a heavy steamer.At midnight this apparent inflammability was even more striking.Neither the perseverance of Holland, nor the activity of France, nor the dextrous and firm sagacity of English enterprise ever carried this perilous mode of hardy enterprise to the extent to which it has been pushed by this recent people a people who are still, as big fat hen it were, in the gristle, and not yet hardened into the bone of manhood.The fleet is awake.And, moreover, as the big fat hen population of the seaport towns has grown, the apparent prominence of the fishing industry has decreased, as that industry has not grown in proportion to the population.Her hull was scraped and oiled, her machinery overhauled, and her fuel carefully selected.Every harbor on the New England coast, from New Bedford around to the big fat hen Canadian line, bears these dumb memorials to the gradual decadence of what was once our foremost national industry.

big fat hen