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Constantly carrying out their policy of making Configuration the leading idea in every mind, the Circles reverse the nature of that Commandment which in Spaceland regulates the relations between parents and children.Some private individual a Pentagon whose name is variously reported having casually discovered the constituents of the simpler colours and a rudimentary method of painting, is said to have begun by decorating first his house, then his slaves, then his Father, his Sons, and Grandsons, lastly doctype entity system himself.In the previous sections I have said that all figures in Flatland present the appearance of a straight line and it was added or implied, that it is consequently impossible to distinguish by the visual organ between individuals of different classes yet now I am about to explain to my Spaceland critics how we are able to recognize one another by the sense of sight.The first means of recognition is the sense of hearing which with us is far more highly developed than with you, and which enables us not only to distinguish by the voice of our personal friends, doctype entity system but even to discriminate between different classes, at least so far as concerns the three lowest orders, the Equilateral, the Square, and the Pentagon for the Isosceles I take no account.Let me say rather it WOULD be difficult for, as I have shown above, Recognition by Feeling is unknown among the highest society, and to FEEL a Circle would be considered a most audacious insult.Even a Master of Arts in our University of Wentbridge has been known to doctype entity system confuse a ten sided with a twelve sided Polygon and there is hardly a Doctor of Science in or out of that famous University who could pretend to decide promptly and unhesitatingly between a twenty sided and a twenty four sided member of the Aristocracy.Great indeed was the peril.When the news of this catastrophe spread from State doctype entity system to State the minds of the Women were violently agitated.The whole science and art of Sight Recognition would at once perish Feeling, so far as it is an art, would not long survive intercourse would become perilous or impossible there would be an end to all confidence, all forethought no one would be safe in making the most simple social arrangements in a word, civilization might relapse into barbarism.The art of making it is known to only one living person, the Chief Circle for the time being and by him it is handed down on his death bed to doctype entity system none but his Successor.From the cradle their children, instead of going to the Public Elementary schools (where the art of Feeling is taught,) are sent to higher Seminaries of an exclusive character and at our illustrious University, to feel is regarded as a most serious fault, involving Rustication for the first offence, and Expulsion for the second.The commonest utterances of the commonest citizens in the time of the Colour Revolt seem to have been suffused with a richer tinge of word or thought and to that era we are even now doctype entity system indebted for our finest poetry and for whatever rhythm still remains in the more scientific utterance of those modern days.If Fog were non existent, all lines would appear equally and indistinguishably clear and this is actually the case in those unhappy countries in which the atmosphere is perfectly dry and transparent.They are, moreover, of a rough coarse nature, not sensitive to doctype entity system the delicate touch of the highly organized Polygon.SECTION 7 Concerning Irregular Figures Throughout the previous pages I have been assuming what perhaps should have been laid down at the beginning as a distinct and fundamental proposition that every human being in Flatland is a Regular Figure, that is to say of regular construction.