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But how could the emperor alone, venture to meet in battle England, France, Spain and all the other powers whom three such kingdoms could, either by persuasion or compulsion, bring into their alliance? He pleaded with his natural allies.Russia and Sweden, irritated by some of the christian boarding schools in california acts of the emperor, formed an alliance for the invasion of the German empire.The great army we are to support is the army of teachers in the schools and in the pulpit, elevating the mind to the highest possible intelligence, and guiding the heart by the pure spirit of the gospel.The allies were quite willing to provoke a war with the emperor but as he received their insults so meekly, and made no movement against them, they were rather disposed to march christian boarding schools in california against him.In the meantime Ripperda, having so successfully, as he supposed, concluded his negotiations at Vienna, in a high state of exultation commenced his journey back to Spain.England, France, Austria and Spain, christian boarding schools in california were now involved in an inextricable maze of diplomacy.Other powers interfered, in the endeavor to promote reconciliation between the hostile courts, but, as usual, only increased the acrimony of the two parties.Even the king christian boarding schools in california was roused from his gloom by the humiliation of his child, and declared that no amount of blood could atone for such an indignity.from England and to place the Pretender, who had still many adherents, upon the British throne.Difficulties of christian boarding schools in california Prince Eugene.Stanhope.and Peter the Great, were christian boarding schools in california foes not to be despised.This threatened invasion not only alarmed the emperor, but alarmed George I.