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By the time a flood tide lifted her clear of the reef, the jagged points of the rocks had pierced her hull, so that she leaked badly, and was forced to go to Halifax for repairs.The carronades and howitzers were loaded with grape definition of waive and the officers and men felt that only bravery on their part was essential to the defeat of any force that Great Britain could send against the ship.Captain, you can proceed on your course.The usual rejoicings followed definition of waive the news of the victory.Sheer good sailing saved the American frigate, and enabled her to leave her pursuers far in her wake.Capt definition of waive.On Feb.The President and the Congress managed to get to sea from Boston in April, and definition of waive entered upon a protracted cruise, in which the bad luck of the former ship seemed to pursue her with malevolent persistence.Lawrence was the hero of the hour and songs innumerable appeared in the newspapers, extolling the courage and devotion of the brave lads of the Hornet.A definition of waive Portuguese merchantman, trying to beat out of the bay, had been stopped by the British, and anchored a few miles below the American frigate.When the preparations for the building of the seventy four gun ship Washington were making at the navy yard, Capt.One shot buried definition of waive itself in the sand of the beach and Capt.But day after day passed, and no ship appeared.To definition of waive meet this danger, Capt.

definition of waive