The object of this was to conceal the extent of the loss which his army had sustained.The horses broke through, and the squadron was thrown into such confusion by so unexpected a disaster, that, when the Phocans turned and fell upon them, drawings of leaves they were easily overcome.Every thing extraordinary was thought, in those days, to be supernatural and divine, and the fame of this discovery was spread every where, the people supposing that the effect produced upon the men and animals by breathing the mysterious air was a divine inspiration.The Medes, however, drawings of leaves Xerxes supposed, would find no difficulty in executing his orders.They constituted a military aristocracy, and a military aristocracy is always more proud and overbearing than any other.An account drawings of leaves of this battle will form the subject of the next chapter.All, however, was of no avail.It drawings of leaves is, therefore, your duty to retire.Whether any or all of these rumors were true, is not now certain there is, however, no doubt that, with at most a few exceptions such as these, the whole three hundred were slain.To this drawings of leaves plan the admiral of the fleet was totally opposed.A spectral army.I will adopt your counsel, said he, but I will not hear any thing said against Demaratus, for I am drawings of leaves convinced that he is a true and faithful friend to me.What does it mean? You will admit now, I suppose, that they do not intend to resist us.
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