But suddenly he was seized with a fatal disease, and it was soon evident that death was near.Here he was informed that Bajazet, the Grand Seignior of Turkey, was on a career of conquest which rivaled his own that he had overrun all of clip gabrielle strip union Asia Minor that, crossing the Hellespont, he had subjugated Serbia, Macedonia, Thessaly, and that he was even besieging the imperial city of Constantine., was to modern Europe.Dmitri, deeming it in vain to attempt the defense of the capital, fled, with his wife and children, two hundred miles north, to clip gabrielle strip union the fortress of Kostroma.During the night of the 12th of February, 1446, the conspirators entered the Kremlin.Ostei made the most vigorous preparations for defense, while the king, with untiring energy, clip gabrielle strip union was accumulating an army of relief.The conqueror then assembled his companions in arms, and thus addressed them Friends and fellow soldiers fortune, who recognizes me as her child, invites us to new conquests.As with filial love they hung over his remains, bathing his bloody clip gabrielle strip union brow, he opened his eyes.Behind a curtain of mountains, and protected by vast deserts, his persuasive genius collected a large band of followers, who with enthusiasm adopted his views and hailed him their chief.It was felt that henceforth the prosperity, the glory, the independence of Russia clip gabrielle strip union was secured for ever that the supremacy of the horde was annihilated that the blood of the Christians, shed upon the plain of Koulikof, was the last sacrifice Russia was doomed to make.
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