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He found it easier to believe that the alpha and the omega of their policy was to undo him.Gounaris their readiness to give Greece, in return for her co operation against Turkey, collate and staple the territorial acquisitions in the vilayet of Aidin, suggested 35 to his predecessor, M.Greece was going through an internal crisis and those who know Greece will know what that means.His nature impelled him to this collate and staple labour his privileged position as the particular friend of the Entente supplied him with the means.But The mistrust of the Greeks was only too well founded.About the same time it came to the knowledge of the Entente Governments that the Greek General Staff collate and staple had resumed its efforts to induce the Servian military authorities to concert measures for their mutual safety, pointing out that, the moment Bulgarian troops crossed the Servian frontier, it would be too late.Gounaris, though in name a Prime Minister, was in reality a mere instrument of the sovereign's personal policy so were the members of the General Staff so was, in fact, everyone who held opinions at variance with his own they all were creatures of the Crown who tried to hide their pro Germanism under the mask of anti Venizelism.The only 34 difference between the Venizelos and the Gounaris Cabinets the difference which brought about the recent crisis and the collate and staple change of Government was one regarding the danger of immediate action, but did not affect the basis of Greek policy.Venizelos.S collate and staple.Venizelos to Greek Legations, London, Bordeaux, Petersburg, 24 Oct.Demidoff, Politis, collate and staple Athens.

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