In placing these facts before you, we have to congratulate our friends throughout the Dominion upon the satisfactory conclusion of this matter, which has given us all so much anxious concern.Smith, simply because his attitude on a moral country club of virginia westhampton question had exasperated the other side.O'Regan were secured by Mr.Tait really understood the whole matter thoroughly, as he says in country club of virginia westhampton his letter, 'This correspondence' (referring to these later charges) 'is insignificant,' and especially as he has said to a Witness reporter, and published in the Witness of July 11th 'I have no proof that Mr.Selby informed me he did not think his letters would come to light, as Mr.Brady and myself that I could drive out or walk out country club of virginia westhampton whenever I saw fit, without communicating with him.Brady.Thus was shown the country club of virginia westhampton great interest which the public felt in the result of this trial.I note from your letter of the 28th ult.This acknowledgment was certainly country club of virginia westhampton a good one, but we have no knowledge of the promise having been fulfilled.Carson, Esq.The sentence in which the Company makes this announcement is as follows The Canadian Pacific Railway admit the right of employees to identify themselves with the temperance movement, and work for the same, provided country club of virginia westhampton such work is done outside official hours, always with due consideration to the interests of the Company.O'Regan, I did, and such things are quite customary with agents and operators, as well as Assistant Superintendents and this custom prevails at the present time all along the line.DEAR SIR, On November 28th last, by circular letter, we called the attention of the executives of the various grand bodies of the temperance organizations of the Dominion to the action of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, in dismissing from their employ the President of one country club of virginia westhampton of our county alliances, Mr.Tait.
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