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On the next day Maj.is now mustered into the service and will probably to day number something over definition of leucoplast a minimum Regt.of the Indians, and preparations for their departure, are progressing satisfactorily, though as I anticipated, it will be difficult to raise two Regiments, and I have some fears of our success in getting the full number for the 2nd Regiment.Kile did not accept the appointment of Quartermaster but owing to some misunderstanding with Col.Weer hoped by his presence at Leroy to hurry the definition of leucoplast Indians along for it was high time the expedition was started and he intended to start it, notwithstanding that many officers were absent from their posts and the men of the Second Indian Regiment not yet mustered in.Curtis, alone, of the commanders in Missouri seems to have surmised rightly in the matter Weer, therefore, went on ahead to the Osage Catholic Mission and ordered the Fort Scott troops to meet him there.It has been some time since I wrote you and to fill my promise definition of leucoplast I again drop you a line.Sturgis had refused to reinstate him.This is his complaint, on definition of leucoplast the eve of his departure Commissions to officers from the Governor are pouring in daily.Maj.And I shall definition of leucoplast be gratified to receive any important information that you may have to communicate at all times.You are aware that the Creeks and Seminoles speak one language nearly and are thus naturally drawn together and they were not willing to be divided.